
Labels On Bags 2

As a leather goods OEM factory, BOMKOO customs the package according to customer’s requirements. Per the 23 years leather goods OEM experience, BOMKOO categorizes custom package with labels into 6 typical materials, they are Nylon/silk/cotton drawstring bag, plane box, top&bottom box, drawer box, paper hang tag and PP bag.

In these materials, PP bag is the cheapest but necessary, as it can protect the surface of the leather goods as well as away from the moisture. Meanwhile, the PP bag is also used outside of the selling box for the protection purpose of the box. Normally, there is no private logo on the PP bag and it is always blank. The nylon/silk/cotton drawstring bag is always made by customer’s idea and with customer’s logo. As the silk and cotton are soft, they can protect the surface of the leather goods perfectly so they are used to pack the leather goods directly before box. The nylon drawstring bag also can protect the leather goods, however since it is sturdy and not expensive, it is the outside package of the sell box sometime. The plane box, top&bottom box and drawer box are higher grade package of leather goods, of course there is customer’s logo on. The paper hang tag must be with logo and label on, and it is the only package of the leather goods which cannot be abridged.

BOMKOO has been the leather goods OEM factory of many customers from all over the world and has built complete supply chain. Whatever labeled package customer requested, BOMKOO can provide it with the high quality and low cost.

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