
Genuine Leather Bags and Artificial Leather Bags

Generally, the genuine leather bags are rarely ever cheap. The bag completely made of genuine leather will be quite expensive. Such bags are usually sold at fixed prices. Shop around and get a feel of the price of the genuine leather, semi leather, and artificial leather products to understand the differences between them. Among leathers, cow leather price is the highest due to its durability and easy tanning property. Split leather, which is an under layer split from the surface layer, is less expensive than top grain or belting leather.

Colored leathers can be genuine. A bright blue piece of leather bag may not look natural, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t made of real leather. Colors and dyes can be added to both artificial and natural leathers, so ignore the color and stick to feel, smell, and texture when searching for genuine or faux leather.

Genuine leather bags are usually very expensive and are usually the end product of great craftsmanship and deserve to be treated with care. The leather handbag manufacturer BOMKOO had repeated the tips to maintain the genuine leather bag. However, the artificial leather bags are more optional.

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