Vegan Leather Bags Manufacturer
BOMKOO Leather Goods Manufacturer can produce both genuine leather bags and vegan leather bags.
When talking about vegan leather bags, let’s see the veganism first. The veganism is more omnipresent than ever before–and it's not just because of our newfound love for celery juice and sauteed kale. Animal-free alternatives that don't forfeit luxury and style are being crafted, coveted and discovered. From bucket bags to the hands-free cross body bag, there's never been a more opportune time to invest in an ethical handbag.
Therefore, the vegan leather bags are more and more popular. Besides providing the OEM service of genuine leather bags, BOMKOO Leather Goods Manufacturer also can produce vegan leather bags. And both the quality and price are very nice.
According to the experiences of producing vegan leather bags, here BOMKOO Leather Goods Manufacturer would like to introduce some vegan leather bags brands that may be worthy of your attention.
The Stella Logo Shoulder Bag - Stella McCartney is a lifelong vegetarian, so it makes sense that her covetable and fashion-forward collections are free of leather and fur. With a commitment to sustainability and more than 51 freestanding stores, you can find a must-have piece in every city. This cinnamon-colored shoulder bag is the perfect hue for all-neutral ensembles.
The Fiona Bag - After launching in 2016, JW Pei–although quite new in the accessories market–began to dominate the street style scene. With classic silhouettes and modern textures, the brand is committed to designing must-have handbags from 100% vegan leather. All of their enviable pieces are lined with 100% recycled bottles. And the factories they use? All certified by GRS (Global Recycling Standards) as well as the Oeko-Tex Standard (all materials can be traced!) This perfect embossed shoulder bag is on our list.
The Azur Bucket Bag - From the very beginning–1995 to be exact–Matt and Nat honed in on the importance of providing fashion lovers with well-crafted, cruelty-free pieces. Each season, they explore a variety of environmentally-conscious materials to include in their collections, from cardboard to cork.The Azur bag comes in a bucket silhouette and a deep burgundy hue that'll add the perfect pop to any look.
The Angelou Mini - Approved by Peta and beloved by all, Angela Roi sets out to design handbags sans cruelty and animal materials. Constructed by hand with luxe materials, each piece is carefully considered and entirely conscious. Is their manifesto? "We are the Creatures of Conscience." This one comes in a classic silhouette and can be paired with everything in your wardrobe.
The Coated Black Tote - Setting out to curate collections filled with bags that are not only sustainably sourced, but responsibly designed, KWONN's bags are made from high quality vegan Japanese suede. Free from PVC and toxins, each elegant option is washable and super lightweight for easy commuting. Our favorite of the bunch is this coated black carry-all tote that can take you from workday to weekend.
The Sophie Hobo Bag - For a vegan leather handbag that will carry all your daily essentials, opt for Bare Boheme's iteration. The brand was established to inspire others to live life beautifully and cruelty-free. In 2019, they pledged to donate 10% of proceeds to The World Animal Protection, a major win in our book. The Sophie bag is for the boho girl that's too busy to leave any essentials at home; you can pack your lunch, makeup bag and multiple wallets in this oversized silhouette.
The Calvin Cross body - If luxury and animal-free materials are what you're after, opt for Melie Bianco's iconic collections. Sculpted with love and utilizing fair trade principles, their goal is to continue offering affordable, Peta-worthy handbags, and that's exactly what they accomplish. The Calvin bag has a vintage-inspired silhouette and a vegan croc-embossed faux leather that'll look so good worn with textural knits and trousers.
Whatever genuine leather bags and vegan leather bags you need to produce, we, BOMKOO Leather Goods Manufacturer are the good choice.
When talking about vegan leather bags, let’s see the veganism first. The veganism is more omnipresent than ever before–and it's not just because of our newfound love for celery juice and sauteed kale. Animal-free alternatives that don't forfeit luxury and style are being crafted, coveted and discovered. From bucket bags to the hands-free cross body bag, there's never been a more opportune time to invest in an ethical handbag.
Therefore, the vegan leather bags are more and more popular. Besides providing the OEM service of genuine leather bags, BOMKOO Leather Goods Manufacturer also can produce vegan leather bags. And both the quality and price are very nice.
According to the experiences of producing vegan leather bags, here BOMKOO Leather Goods Manufacturer would like to introduce some vegan leather bags brands that may be worthy of your attention.
The Stella Logo Shoulder Bag - Stella McCartney is a lifelong vegetarian, so it makes sense that her covetable and fashion-forward collections are free of leather and fur. With a commitment to sustainability and more than 51 freestanding stores, you can find a must-have piece in every city. This cinnamon-colored shoulder bag is the perfect hue for all-neutral ensembles.
The Fiona Bag - After launching in 2016, JW Pei–although quite new in the accessories market–began to dominate the street style scene. With classic silhouettes and modern textures, the brand is committed to designing must-have handbags from 100% vegan leather. All of their enviable pieces are lined with 100% recycled bottles. And the factories they use? All certified by GRS (Global Recycling Standards) as well as the Oeko-Tex Standard (all materials can be traced!) This perfect embossed shoulder bag is on our list.
The Azur Bucket Bag - From the very beginning–1995 to be exact–Matt and Nat honed in on the importance of providing fashion lovers with well-crafted, cruelty-free pieces. Each season, they explore a variety of environmentally-conscious materials to include in their collections, from cardboard to cork.The Azur bag comes in a bucket silhouette and a deep burgundy hue that'll add the perfect pop to any look.
The Angelou Mini - Approved by Peta and beloved by all, Angela Roi sets out to design handbags sans cruelty and animal materials. Constructed by hand with luxe materials, each piece is carefully considered and entirely conscious. Is their manifesto? "We are the Creatures of Conscience." This one comes in a classic silhouette and can be paired with everything in your wardrobe.
The Coated Black Tote - Setting out to curate collections filled with bags that are not only sustainably sourced, but responsibly designed, KWONN's bags are made from high quality vegan Japanese suede. Free from PVC and toxins, each elegant option is washable and super lightweight for easy commuting. Our favorite of the bunch is this coated black carry-all tote that can take you from workday to weekend.
The Sophie Hobo Bag - For a vegan leather handbag that will carry all your daily essentials, opt for Bare Boheme's iteration. The brand was established to inspire others to live life beautifully and cruelty-free. In 2019, they pledged to donate 10% of proceeds to The World Animal Protection, a major win in our book. The Sophie bag is for the boho girl that's too busy to leave any essentials at home; you can pack your lunch, makeup bag and multiple wallets in this oversized silhouette.
The Calvin Cross body - If luxury and animal-free materials are what you're after, opt for Melie Bianco's iconic collections. Sculpted with love and utilizing fair trade principles, their goal is to continue offering affordable, Peta-worthy handbags, and that's exactly what they accomplish. The Calvin bag has a vintage-inspired silhouette and a vegan croc-embossed faux leather that'll look so good worn with textural knits and trousers.
Whatever genuine leather bags and vegan leather bags you need to produce, we, BOMKOO Leather Goods Manufacturer are the good choice.