PU Bags OEM by Handbag Manufacturer
Leather bag includes genuine leather bag and artificail leather bag. PU bag is a kind of artificial leather bag. In the handbag manufacturer BOMKOO, the OEM service of PU bag is available as well as the genuine leather bag.
In comparison with the leather bag, there are some specialties in PU bag. The cost of PU bag is cheaper than genuine leather. PU is an artificial material, it is cheap. And it is always in regular shape so the use ratio is much higher than genuine leather, and the processing of PU bag is much simple than genuine leather, so the labor cost of PU bag is lower. The PU varies a lot in color and texture so the designs of PU bags are very flexible. The style PU bags are abundant. There is much changeable in color, texture, compliance, tenacity and workmanship of PU. The weight of PU bag is light, this is because the PU is light. So PU is used a lot in sport bags, backpacks and trolley, which are big size and big capacity. The PU bag is water-proof. This is an advantage of the PU comparing to the genuine leather. And more, the PU bag is humanistic and environmental.
So the PU bag is more and more popular, and more young brands are fixed on PU bags.
In comparison with the leather bag, there are some specialties in PU bag. The cost of PU bag is cheaper than genuine leather. PU is an artificial material, it is cheap. And it is always in regular shape so the use ratio is much higher than genuine leather, and the processing of PU bag is much simple than genuine leather, so the labor cost of PU bag is lower. The PU varies a lot in color and texture so the designs of PU bags are very flexible. The style PU bags are abundant. There is much changeable in color, texture, compliance, tenacity and workmanship of PU. The weight of PU bag is light, this is because the PU is light. So PU is used a lot in sport bags, backpacks and trolley, which are big size and big capacity. The PU bag is water-proof. This is an advantage of the PU comparing to the genuine leather. And more, the PU bag is humanistic and environmental.
So the PU bag is more and more popular, and more young brands are fixed on PU bags.