BOMKOO Leather Goods Factory, not Just Handbags

At BOMKOO Leather Goods Factory, we produce kinds of handbags to customers’ needs but also of the highest quality. Our leather handbag OEM and ODM services allow you to take the top level handbags, we listen to your briefing and suggest the best options in leather or eco-leather; we then provide you with a sample and only when happy, with your full collection. Of course, there are many items you could design and manufacture with BOMKOO Leather Goods Factory. We don’t only offer the best custom handbags but also a wide range of leatherwares; these could not only become exclusive luxury pieces for your collection but also invaluable corporate gifts.
Now have a look below at some of our favorite ones.
Jewelry Box
BOMKOO is famous for its perfect technical in leatherwares, we are skillful in complex leatherwares. Our leather jewelry box can meet the most complex designs and strict requirements. We can support customers with the service from the development of the jewelry box to mass production, from the leather to the hardware.
Leather Gift
The leather gifts produced by BOMKOO Leather Goods Factory is the perfect corporate gift or the first step for the launch of your very own collection. Our leather gifts include leather stationery, leather card holder, leather notebook, leather watch wrist, leather key holder, and so on. Whatever you design, what BOMKOO Leather Goods Factory can produce.
So just send your designs to BOMKOO Leather Goods Factory, you will get the best leatherwares you want.