LOGO on Bag
Logo is very important for any merchandise, the proper pattern of logo can advertise the merchandise very well and make it to be known widely. So does to handbags. As the handbag factory, BOMKOO Leather will show you some patterns of the logo on handbags.
Normally, the logo shows the name of the merchandise or its symbol. The handbag factory gets the drawings of logo from the customer, then make the logo in a correct pattern per customer’s requirements.
General speaking, there are the following patterns of logo: embossed logo, gold stamped logo, logo plate, metal logo, printed logo, laser logo and so on.
The embossed and gold stamped logos are rather popular on handbags. The embossed logo is simple, when it is stamped with some color, it will be gold stamped logo, such logo would be more conspicuous. The two patterns are at low cost and popular in economic handbags. The logo plate is made by mold, and the design of the logo is molded on the plate . The plate can be in any shape and plated in different color, it makes the handbag look luxury, such as PRADA and MONTBLANC. Some brand handbag has the logo on the hardware of the bag, such as on the lock. Another pattern logo is molded as well but only the letters or design of the logo, no plate, such as MK and DIOR. Such logo sometimes is not only a logo but also decorations to the bag, it is a good choice if you want your handbag luxury enough. Besides, printing the logo on the material of the handbag is popular in some high-grade brand handbags, the representative bag is LV, GUCCI, GOYARD, etc. Such logo is very remarkable but the cost is high as the MOQ of the material is a big amount.
Laser logo is used sometimes, but BOMKOO suggests to use it only on the sample as the laser will hurt the surface of the material. Also there are silkscreen and pad printed logo, they are used on some special material or special shape handbag.
The logo of the brand of a handbag can be in one pattern, also can be in different patter, such as GUCCI, it has metal logo as well as printed logo, different logo can be used in different style of handbag.

Normally, the logo shows the name of the merchandise or its symbol. The handbag factory gets the drawings of logo from the customer, then make the logo in a correct pattern per customer’s requirements.
General speaking, there are the following patterns of logo: embossed logo, gold stamped logo, logo plate, metal logo, printed logo, laser logo and so on.
The embossed and gold stamped logos are rather popular on handbags. The embossed logo is simple, when it is stamped with some color, it will be gold stamped logo, such logo would be more conspicuous. The two patterns are at low cost and popular in economic handbags. The logo plate is made by mold, and the design of the logo is molded on the plate . The plate can be in any shape and plated in different color, it makes the handbag look luxury, such as PRADA and MONTBLANC. Some brand handbag has the logo on the hardware of the bag, such as on the lock. Another pattern logo is molded as well but only the letters or design of the logo, no plate, such as MK and DIOR. Such logo sometimes is not only a logo but also decorations to the bag, it is a good choice if you want your handbag luxury enough. Besides, printing the logo on the material of the handbag is popular in some high-grade brand handbags, the representative bag is LV, GUCCI, GOYARD, etc. Such logo is very remarkable but the cost is high as the MOQ of the material is a big amount.
Laser logo is used sometimes, but BOMKOO suggests to use it only on the sample as the laser will hurt the surface of the material. Also there are silkscreen and pad printed logo, they are used on some special material or special shape handbag.
The logo of the brand of a handbag can be in one pattern, also can be in different patter, such as GUCCI, it has metal logo as well as printed logo, different logo can be used in different style of handbag.