Which Leather Bag Factory You Prefer: Pay by Hour? Pay by Pi
Why there is much cost difference in different leather factories? And if there is difference in quality?
It is known that there are two ways to calculate wages in factories including leather bag factory generally: hour wage and piece wage. In some leather bag factories, the cost of leather bags is decided by how many bags a worker makes per hour, in some other leather factories the cost of leather bags is decided by how long a bag will take. It is very easy to see the difference in the cost and quality in such two leather bag factories.
Actually, both leather bag factories have their own advantage, how to choose the suitable one for your leather bag? It’s the concern of the cost and quality.
If you have high standard of quality, you’d better choose the leather bag factory of hour wage. Such leather factory normally pays much attention to quality and the management are willing to devote much time in the quality control. It is said slow work yields fine products, especially in the leather bag factories, in which the products are mainly made manually, good quality will take time. Surely, the cost of such leather factory is higher than the leather factory of piece wage. The important is that the leather bag factory of hour wage can provide good service including the service after sale. This is helpful to build your reputation and brand.
If what your concern is the cost, and your bag order is in very big quantity and low selling price, of course the leather bag factory of piece wag is the better choice. Such leather bag factory could fulfil your order with the advantages of low cost and fast delivery. Normally such bag factory will not provide much service after sale, you may need to have your way to deal with the quality complaint.
Therefore, we cannot say which leather bag factory is good or not good, only the leather bag factory suitable to you is the best leather bag factory for you.