More Maintenance Advices on Leather Handbag
Proper and necessary maintenance on leather handbags will make the handbag more beautiful and lengthen its useful life.
BOMKOO Leather Goods factory is asked always by customers and users on how to maintain the leather handbags well and properly. Here BOMKOO would like to summarize some skills and attentions, hopefully they are useful for you.
When you buy a new genuine leather handbag, please don’t throw away the packaging material, such as the gift box, dust bag, soft paper and desiccant, you will need to put your handbag in them when you store it. Whenever using or storing, keep the hand bag in the dry, shady and well-ventilated place, keep it away from water and moisture, don’t expose the handbag under the sunlight, and keep it way from any sharp object, acid, alkali and corrosive corporation. Don’t overload your handbag, don’t use the handbag for too long time continuously, it is better to use 2 or 3 handbags in alternative days.
If there is some water or dirt on the handbag, please use the soft wipes to clean it immediately and carefully. If possible, please send it to the specialist agencies for the regular maintenance. It is important to maintain the handbag before storing it, the handbag will have a “good rest” in the store place.
In a word, more cares, longer life of the handbag.